
Did you know?

Motoboost includes an automatic support system regardless of the type of terrain.

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How does it work?
Motoboost transmission

See how the Motoboost transmission works.

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Sohbi Craft Poland
Authorized distributor of Motoboost

We are an authorized distributor of MotoBoost transmissions in Europe.

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Webone About

What do you achieve with MotoBoost?

Your muscles achieve a higher level of activity and health by reducing muscle tension, eliminating dead zones and changing the distribution of rotational forces. Through this process, your body becomes more resilient, performance is increased and the risk of injury is minimized, allowing you to perform better in your daily physical activities.


Equal muscle load

Conventional bikes put a lot of strain on the calves, causing unbalanced muscle loading. MotoBoost makes it easier to ride, evenly using all leg muscles.

Reduction of muscle tension

The more resistance and the more fatigue, MotoBoost produces better results. Muscle tension reduction has been proven to increase on long distances, uphill riding and bumpy roads.

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Concrete benefits for cyclists while riding

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